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Destination Beach Wedding.

So you want your cousin to photograph your wedding? Why this may not be a great idea. Should you hire your nephew to shoot your wedding? I think not!! So just hear me out, I know weddings don't come cheap and every penny counts. However you could have the most lavish wedding ever! But you scrimped on the photographer? Suddenly the pictures dont show the beautiful day the way you thought it happened. ​Its even harder to shoot a wedding on the beach. Not only hot but the sweat is constantly falling into your eyes. You are trying to focus on an image, but the light and contrast is always changing amd challenging you.

And dont get me started with the ISO! Angaling your subjects just right and working with a good flash unit is a must, but most non professionals don't have one, and thats just to fill in the shadows. What about the squints and gleam from sweat on your bridal party? If you bride has even a slight sheen, you have an issue to handle. These are just a couple of the problems you can face, with an experienced photographer, they will know how to handle it. We are all now able to easily get our hands on and, purchase a good quality camera at a reasonable price. We all love to snap away! We all get some grest shots! And I cant tell you how many times a client will hear my price quote and write back "We have decided to let a family member take our pictures for us." As i said above, not always the best idea, if you really wanted that then you wouldnt of reached out in the first place. And unless your nephew has been shooting weddings on a beach in 80 degree heat in bright daylight for years, i promise that you will not get the pictures you hoped for nor deserved on your special day. You are not buying just pictures, but a personal tailored to you service, with someone working hours after the shoot to make you thr memories you deserve to have. Cheap is never good Good is never cheap Its the one day of your life that all eyes are on you (unless you murder someone) Spend the money and hire someone that really knows whats going on.

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